General Assembly
General Assembly is the supreme body of SOZA. Among its exclusive powers there are:
a) To adopt amendments of the Articles of Association;
b) To elect and remove following bodies from office:
1. The Management Board, and to make decisions about the remuneration of the Management Board;
2. The Supervisory Board, and to make decisions about the remuneration of the Supervisory Board;
3. The Arbitration Committe, and to make decisions about the remuneration of the Arbitration Committee;
4. The Classification Committee, and to make decisions about the remuneration of the Classification Committee;
c) To approve the principles of the collection, distribution and payment of royalties, equitable remuneration, private copying remuneration and additional remuneration of rights holders collected by collective management organisation, including the income from the recovery of unjust enrichment and damage compensation (hereinafter the "income from the exercise of collective rights management");
d) To approve special principles of the use of royalties, equitable remuneration and additional remuneration collected by collective management organisation, in relation to which it is impossible to identify or find a rights holder to whom they belong (hereinafter the "non-distributable remuneration") and private copying remuneration;
e) To approve the proposal for the use of the non-distributable remuneration;
f) To decide on creation of a fund for supporting social, cultural and educational needs in favour of members and rights holders, including transparent and non-discriminatory conditions for providing financial means from this fund;
g) To adopt principles of common appreciation of income from the exercise of collective rights management, including risk management principles reflecting the appreciation only in the interest of rights holders with adequate security, liquidation and avoidance of dependence on one source of profit;
h) To adopt principles of the application of effectively incurred costs for providing of the service of collective rights management;
i) To adopt acquisition or transfer of a title to immovable property of the collective management organisation;
j) To adopt a proposal for fusion, merger or split of the collective management organisation;
k) To adopt a proposal for:
1) The establishment and foundation of other legal entity or a SOZA share in other legal entity with registered office outside the territory of the Slovak Republic;
2) The establishment and foundation of other legal entity or a SOZA share in other legal entity with registered office in the territory of the Slovak Republic exceeding EUR 30,000.00 excluding VAT up to EUR 100,000.00 excluding VAT, including;
3) The establishment and foundation of other legal entity or a SOZA share in other legal entity with registered office in the territory of the Slovak Republic exceeding EUR 100,000.00 excluding VAT;
l) Pursuant to the opinion of the Supervisory Board it approves:
1. The Annual Report;
2. SOZA Financial Statements;
m) To decide on the voluntary termination of the exercise of collective rights management under the Copyright Act;
n) To note the declaration of a member of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board under the Copyright Act with regard to their relation to SOZA as a member or rights holder, including any remueration and other monetary payments paid by SOZA to them in the previous year;
o) To approve the co-option of SOZA members to all elected bodies;
p) To approve Distribution Rules on a proposal of the Supervisory Board;
q) To approve a proposal for receiving a credit or for granting a loan, or for granting a security for the credit or the loan if the amount of the credit, the loan or the security for the credit or loan accounts for EUR 100,000.00 excluding VAT.
r) To approve a rule under Paragraph 21.2. Article 21 of the Articles of Association laying down the procedure for the exercise of supervision by the Supervisory Board;
s) To decide on other issues in compliance with these Articles of Association.
Management Board
Pursuant to the Copyright Act, the Management Board is a management body and at the same time it is also a statutory body. The Management Board controls SOZA both internally and externally.
The Management Board consists of three members.; their periods of office are not limited. Members of the Management Board are persons who are not necessarily SOZA members.
Mgr. art. Ľubomír Burgr – Chairman of the Board
Ing. Richard Jajcay, MBA – Member of the Board
Mgr. Tomáš Mikš – Member of the Board
Supervisory Board
Pursuant to the provisions of the Copyright Act, the Supervisory Board is an inspection body. Its task is to check SOZA management and its financial operations and health. It has got 15 members elected according to a profession key:
Ľuboš Bernáth, Classical music composer
Pavol Danišovič, Popular music composer
Rastislav Dubovský, Film music composer
Miroslav Dudík, Folk music composer – arranger
Adam Hudec, Brass music composer
Matúš Jakabčic (Chairman), Jazz music composer
Katarína Jarušková, HUDOBNÝ FOND, Publisher
Kolínsky Ctibor, DISKANT, Publisher
Slavomír Kopec, OPUS, Publisher
Peter Lipa, Popular music composer
Daniel Matej, Classical music composer
Rastislav Pavlík, PAVLÍK RECORDS, Publisher
Ján Štrasser, Writer of lyrics
Ľubomír Zeman, Writer of lyrics
Tomáš Zubák, Special functions music composer
Arbitration Committee
The Arbitration Committee evaluates disputes among SOZA member and SOZA elected body, and it acts as a body of reconciliation in disputes concerning property rights execution between/among represented rights holders. It has got 5 members. Its members are elected by the General Assembly from the authors who are, thanks to their moral status and experiences, a guarantee of fair arbitration in disputable situations.
Classification Committee
The Classification Committee is a specialised elected body having its professional competence, the task of which is to classify reported works in respective categories in compliance with SOZA Distribution Rules. It has got 5 members elected by the General Assembly according to a profession key: